Where Dreams Go To Die is a documentary created by Ethan Newberry (The Ginger Runner) that follows Canadian ultrarunner, Gary Robbins, during his two attempts at completing The Barkley Marathons – a 100+ mile event many consider the toughest endurance run on Earth. Spanning more than 2 years, this journey is emotional, powerful and truly inspirational. Find out what it takes to attempt the impossible and the demons that follow. Learn the sacrifices that come with dedicating one’s life to this endeavor. Follow our intimate look at why The Barkley is where dreams go to die.

A huge thank you to all involved in the making of this project. Especially Gary, Linda and Reed for opening their homes and lives to the world during this experience.

Directed/Edited/Scored: Me

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THE HIGH ROUTE: Director’s Cut

Runtime: | Filmed:

One of the toughest 50ks with almost 9000ft of vert!! // Ginger Runner

Runtime: 2:2 | Filmed:

Behind The Run: REBUILDING // Rebecca Murillo

Runtime: 6:54 | Filmed: