So this is pretty cool and I wanted to be sure to tell you guys all about it! I just got word that Road ID is teaming up with Strava and challenging us to finish off our 2012 running season with a bang, by challenging us to run a 50 mile ultra in ONE WEEK. Not ONE ultra in one run, but a cumulation of 50 miles in 7 days. I think that is pretty doable for some of you out there and I’m DEFINITELY gonna give it a shot!
It’s called the Road ID Lace ’em Up Challenge and it starts October 29th (TODAY!!!) and ends November 4th (SUNDAY!!), giving you seven days to cover 50 miles. I will ALSO be doing a GIVEAWAY!! Anyone who signs up, comments on my FACEBOOK POST of this blog (easier for me to track and contact individuals) and COMPLETES the challenge will be entered in to win products from Pearl Izumi, Road ID, GU, Injinji or Hydrapak! We’re not talking stickers and all that little stuff, I mean BIG, AWESOME stuff!!
So you’re probably thinking, “50 miles?!? Are you kidding me?!!?” I totally understand. I want to punch my own face too. But the good thing is that it doesn’t matter how FAST you do the mileage, just that you do it. You can walk it, you can split it up across your entire week, you can run it all at once, WHATEVER! Just strap on some shoes and go run!
I’m pretty sure I’m going to split it up amongst my 5-6 run days this week. Monday 6mi, Tuesday 9mi, Wednesday 7mi, Friday 10mi, Saturday 18mi. It’s pretty brutal, but we can do it. If I miss a goal, I’ll just make up for it during one of the other run days earlier, or tack it on to my rest day on Thursday.
So now comes the fun part: Be sure to LIKE me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter, peep me on Strava, and GO RUN YOUR ASS OFF THIS WEEK!!! If you are doing this challenge, let me know by tweeting me or facebooking me so I can keep tabs on you and we can all support each other to the bitter end!! LET’S DO THIS PEOPLE!!!
Tags: contest, ginger, ginger runner, giveaway, gu gel, hydrapak, injinji, pearl izumi, road id, roadid, runner, running, strava, strava challenge, win